Friday, January 07, 2005

Murphy Strikes Big Time

Where do you go when nothing seems to matter, nothing seems to work out your way, and there's nothing but trouble ahead? - Depends. --- It really depends on what kind of temperament you have and what your current disposition is. My disposition right now: abysmal. My temperament: "sigh". You get the picture?
I've been working --- correction: I think I've been working really hard these past three months ever since my first blog. I started an online journal - elsewhere - hoping to get my spirits up. For three months I made and entry almost every day. I was hoping to find the energy for bigger prospects while at the same time non-committally giving friends an opportunity to know I did not fall off the face of the Earth. There were more urgent things to do, really, though none of them were me, but things people wanted of me. And all I wanted was a time and place to myself where I could be what I liked being, do something I enjoyed doing, something that would generate something called "flow".
And now? My body is developing strange little signs that something is not well. Lack of sleep? Lack of certain vitamins and trace elements? Too much coffee? Too much strain? It could be anything and everything. And now my wallet is gone. I wouldn't even have had the small cash to do my laundry tonight, if the housekeeper hadn't lent me a couple of coins.
Hey, I'm living in a so called first world country! And I can't even get my act together.
What could I possibly do? - I'm seriously contemplating leasing a trailer truck, reducing my lifestyle to the bare necessities and then see if I can't get a life. There's got to be a way to get a decent job somehow! I'm clean, I'm what passes for bright, I know languages, I like science, I can work hard even at an office. What does it take that I don't have to live well?